

1.  Rogue Beverages Pty Limited ACN 617 697 140 (we, us, our, or Rogues) recognises and values the protection of your personal information. Rogues provides ready-to-drink beverages to businesses and consumers. In providing these services, we collect, use and disclose personal information. Personal information means information or an opinion, whether true or not and whether recorded in material form or not, about an individual who is either identified or reasonably identifiable.

2. We are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. This statement is our privacy policy which sets out how and why we collect your personal information, how we use or disclose it and how we otherwise handle personal information. It also tells you how you can ask to access and correct the personal information we hold about you or complain about a suspected privacy breach.

3. Rogues is committed to complying with Commonwealth legislation governing privacy of personal information by businesses and to protecting and safeguarding your privacy when you deal with us.

4. We encourage you to refer to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at which contains important information about privacy laws in Australia.



5. The type of information that we collect and hold about you depends on the type of dealings that you have with us. Some information you provide to us might be considered private, sensitive, or personal. Without these details we would not be able to carry on our business and provide our services to you. We will only collect such personal information if it is reasonably necessary for one of our functions or activities.

6. Wherever possible, you can elect to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym when interacting with us (e.g. making an enquiry), however this may limit your ability to use and access our offers or services.

7. We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means as required by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). We collect personal information in a number of ways, including directly from you in person, over the phone, through written communications (either on paper or electronic) and directly or indirectly from devices or browsers which you use to access our webpages or other webpages, where we keep a record and a copy of your contact with us, where you submit personal and other information through web forms, by logging your IP address, collecting GPS data, by use of cookies, by recording phone numbers and email addresses from which you contact us, by any smart phone, browser plugin or other application we use which might collect information from the device or browser used by you, from publicly available sources of information and in other ways which rely on technical access to information available from devices and operating systems that you might use.

8. We may also obtain your personal information from our affiliates or advertising partners, customers and other third parties that we consider helps us to deliver or advertise our services, understand online activity and collect information that we consider important to managing the quality or content of the services that we deliver.

9. The main purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information are to identify you and verify your identity, to communicate with you about our services and to provide our services to you, to help us improve our services and for any other purposes that you have consented to.

10. We retain the right to use or disclose personal information about you that is required in the provision of information about or the promotion or delivery of Rogues and our services, such as but not limited to newsletters, promotional materials or direct marketing campaigns relevant to the services that we offer. You can opt out of receiving these communications at any time by emailing or following the instructions at the bottom of our email communications with you in order to UNSUBSCRIBE.

11. We may be required or authorised to disclose your personal information by Australian law or a court or tribunal order.

12. By using our services and our website you consent to us using and disclosing your information both for the purposes for which we have collected it and for other purposes related to marketing and advertising our services and the services of other entities with whom we have relationships, including entities that market and promote goods and services unrelated to those which we market and promote.

13. We may disclose your personal information to overseas recipients for the aforementioned purposes. However, we will inform you and seek your consent prior to disclosing your information if the overseas recipient is not regulated in a way that equally reflects the Australian Privacy Principles. We will take reasonable steps to ensure an overseas recipient does not breach the requirements of the Privacy Act.

14. If we use your personal information for any other purposes than set out above, you will receive notice when your personal information might be shared with third parties and you will have an opportunity to opt-out of sharing the information.



15. Our Website may contain links to other websites and those third party websites may collect personal information about you. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other businesses or the content of websites that are linked to our website. Rogues encourages users to be aware when they leave the site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information.



Rogues places great importance on the security of all personal information. We hold personal information in a number of ways, including in electronic databases, email contact lists, and in paper files held in secure premises. We take reasonable steps to:

  • make sure that the personal information that we collect, use and disclose is accurate, up to date and complete and (in the case of use and disclosure) relevant;
  • protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure;
  • destroy or permanently de-identify personal information that is no longer needed for any purpose that is permitted by the Australian Privacy Principles, unless we are prevented from doing so by law.

17. The steps we take to secure the personal information we hold include ICT security (such as encryption, firewalls, anti-virus software and login and password protection), secure office access, personnel security and training and workplace policies.

18. We process payments using EFTPOS and online technologies. All transactions processed by us meet industry security standards to ensure payment details are protected.

19. Our website retains the information you provide to us including possibly your contact and credit card details to enable us to verify transactions and customer details and to retain adequate records for legal and accounting purposes. This information is held on secure servers in controlled facilities.

 20. Information stored within our computer systems can only be accessed by those entrusted with authority and computer network password sanctions.

 21. No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be entirely secure. As a result, while we strive to protect user’s personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to it or from its website, online products or services, and users do so at their own risk. Once the website receives your transmission, it makes every effort to ensure its security on its systems.

22. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for keeping your passwords and/or account information secret. You should be careful and responsible whenever you are online.



23. Rogues is committed to maintaining accurate, timely, relevant and appropriate information about our customers and web-site users.

24. You have the right to request access to your personal information held by us and we will respond to the request for access within a reasonable period of time. So long as your request for your personal information is in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles, then we will give you access to that information. To ensure confidentiality, details of your personal information will be passed on to you only if we are satisfied that the information relates to you.

25. You have the right to request personal information held by us to be corrected. Should you suspect, or become aware, that your personal information we hold is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or misleading, please contact our Privacy Officer at email:, phone: 1800 174 656, or post: PO Box 154, Lane Cove, NSW, 1595.

 26. If we refuse to provide you with access or correct the personal information held about you by us, then we will provide to you in writing reasons for such refusal and information on how you can complain about such a refusal.



27. If you have a complaint about our Privacy Policy or how we handle the collection, use or safe disposal or destruction of your personal information in relation to the Australian Privacy Principles, your complaint should be directed in the first instance to us at email, phone: 1800 174 656, or post: PO Box 154, Lane Cove, NSW, 1595.

28. We will investigate your complaint and attempt to resolve any breach that might have occurred in relation to the collection, use or destruction of personal information held by us about you in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy legislation. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this procedure then you may request that an independent body (usually the Commonwealth Privacy Officer) investigate your complaint.



29. We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. In order to ensure that our users are always aware of what information is collected, how it is used and the way in which information may be disclosed, the current version of the Privacy Policy will be posted on our website and a copy may be obtained from our Privacy Officer. As a result, please remember to refer back to this Privacy Policy regularly to review any amendments.



30. If you require further information regarding our Privacy Policy or would like to receive a copy of our Privacy Policy via email, post or another appropriate form, please contact us at email:, phone: 1800 174 656, or post: PO Box 154, Lane Cove, NSW, 1595.

31. Should you wish to read more information on privacy legislation or the National Privacy Principles we recommend that you visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at



32. You accept that your use of our services or our website constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

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